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About Us

Meet the Doctors

We care more about your health, happiness and well being than the kind of insurance you have.

Dr. Derek Clements and Family

Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to the opportunity to meet you soon! We pride ourselves in providing a family friendly atmosphere, where people of all ages come to feel better and and get healthier.

Whether you are in pain or looking to improve your health we are on your side and will work with you towards your healthcare goals. We see people improve with complaints of neck & back pain, sciatica, disc problems, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia, numbness/ tingling, spasms, stomach problems, fatigue, constipation, headaches, ear infections, work injuries, auto accidents, and much more...

We offer both short term treatment plans for fast pain relief as well as wellness plans for maximum health benefits. Whatever type of care you need or desire, we are here to help.

From our family to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy future.
Thank you for choosing us,
Dr. Derek Clements and Family

Cameron, Dr. Derek, Natalie, & Derek Jr.,
Dogs: Ted, Penny, & Callaway

Cameron, Dr. Derek, Natalie, & Derek Jr.
Dogs: Ted, Penny, & Callaway

Dr. Nicole Wilbraham and Family

Dr. Nicole Wilbraham and Family

Dr. Nicole Wilbraham and Family

I believe that we are born to be healthy and that we stay healthy until we get overloaded with stress. It may be Physical stress, Mental stress and/or Chemical stress, which will weaken our nervous system and cause us to become sick and unhealthy. I also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself and return to a state of health...if we allow it to.

My job as a Doctor of Chiropractic is to remove the stress on the nervous system. I understand that people are different and require different approaches to healing, so many treatment options are made available to you based on what you need and what you are looking to receive. Whether you are looking for pain relief or looking to correct a condition, removing stress on the nervous system can be done through chiropractic adjustments, exercise, providing nutritional support to improve the function of the organs and tissues in need, as well as suggesting dietary and lifestyle modifications. This will allow your body to function at 100% health allowing you to be physically, mentally and socially the best you possibly can.

I look forward to the opportunity to get you started on achieving your health care goals.
I believe that together we can create Healthy People = Healthy Planet.

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No Problem!


Covers Your First Visit.
Includes: Exam, 1st Adjustment, X-Rays, & Bonus Free Gift!


happy and healthy patients. and still counting...

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