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Our Services

Achieve your health goals!

Fast relief of back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, arthritis, and much more... Short term care plans for fast relief. Wellness care to support a healthy lifestyle.

People Come to us for multiple reasons:

  1. Symptom Relief: Neck Pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, ear pain, jaw pain, etc., and they have heard that chiropractic can help.
  2. Condition or Disease: Asthma, allergies, attention deficit disorder, seizures, things you normally don't associate with chiropractic care, but chiropractic can often help.
  3. Prevention: Coming in for regular chiropractic care with their families to be helped and to stay healthy.
  4. Wellness: People that know if they can improve themselves and increase their personal well being with regular chiropractic care, and if other people did it collectively, we would be starting a better world.
Whether you are seeking Relief Care or Corrective Care we offer many treatments to help you achieve your individual health goals.

List of treatments

  • Spinal Adjustments: Using hands or instruments to remove nerve interference by correcting vertebral subluxations / misalignments of the spine.
  • Extremity Adjustments: Adjustments of the TMJ joint, shoulders, arms, wrists, knees and ankles etc.
  • Cervical Extension Traction: To support the natural curve of the spine. It can correct posture and increase spinal function for patients that have lost the normal cervical curve. It increases movement in the joints, relaxes spinal muscles, decompress the discs, lubricate the spinal joints and increase range of motion in the spine.
  • Cox Flexion/Distraction (Continuous Passive Motion): Decompresses the disc by applying a gentle continuous passive motion to the lower spine.
  • Inversion/Decompression: Hanging upside down to apply gentle traction to the spine. Inversion therapy helps to relax muscles, improve posture, and elongate the spine. This will increase the space between the vertebra and relieve pressure on the disc and spinal nerves, which reduces pain.
  • Intersegmental Traction: A way of inducing passive motion into the spine for stretching spinal muscles, and increasing the mobility of the spinal joints
  • Ice/Heat: Used to reduce inflammation and muscle spasm and to help with reducing pain.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Designed to restore or improve your musculoskeletal and neurological system.
  • Massage Therapy: Designed to reduce muscle spasms and cramping, alleviates aches and pains, improves flexibility, increases range of motion, enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow, relax and loosen tired, overused, stressed muscles, there are many other benefits of massage therapy.
  • Myofascial Release Therapy: A hands on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to allow for a myofascial trigger point to release. A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable spot within a taut band or skeletal muscle, that can cause referred pain and tenderness. This technique helps to reduce pain and tenderness.
  • Nutritional Evaluations: Using nutritional response testing, we are able to determine heavy metals, toxic chemicals, food sensitivities and immune challenges that your body is facing. These challenges can prevent your body from obtaining optimal health. Nutritional recommendations vary from person to person. The supplements that we use are whole food concentrates from Standard Process.

Care for all ages and conditions:

  • Spinal Evaluations and treatment for all ages
  • Sports Chiropractic to keep you injury free
  • Special Care for Seniors to encourage mobility
  • Pregnancy Care- Special designed tables and care
  • Neurological and Nutritional care to help ADHD and Autistic challenges
  • Massage Therapy

Different adjusting techniques:

  • Full Spine Adjusting
  • Diversified
  • Thompson Technique
  • Low Force Adjusting with the Impulse Instrument** New Technology
  • Activator Technique
  • Extremity Adjusting

No Insurance?

No Problem!


Covers Your First Visit.
Includes: Exam, 1st Adjustment, X-Rays, & Bonus Free Gift!


Call today to check your benefits. No insurance or limited benefits? No problem! Care is affordable for everyone at our office.

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